Health & Wellness Coaching


Do you constantly feel stressed, overwhelmed, and tired? Find yourself snapping at your partner and kids? Constantly saying you’re too busy, exhausted, burnt out, disconnected? Suffering with chronic pain, weight gain, gut issues or niggly heath concerns?

And libido… what libido?


Love, joy, peace and equanimity is actually our natural state, yet so many of us live a different reality! It is absolutely possible to come back to our natural state and live a vibrant life. It just takes intention and support.

Health & Wellness Coaching at Vera provides you with the support and accountability necessary to make sustained lifestyle changes so you can lead a vibrant, joyful life.

There is an overwhelming amount of information about what we ‘should’ be doing for our health and wellbeing. Our health & wellness coach, Paula Hindle, is passionate about empowering women to reclaim and transform their lives. As a health professional, Paula is qualified to take a wide lens look at your health (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual), help you decipher the abundance of health related information, and make it relevant to your life.

Paula invites you take an individualised 12-week wellness journey with her, and take steps towards sustainable health habits, and mindset shifts that will reveal your most vibrant and joyous self. It all begins with self love.

Casual Health & Wellness Coaching sessions are also available.

‘You can’t pour from an empty cup; you give from the overflow’

~ Unknown ~


Paula empowers & supports women with —

  • Optimising health during perimenopause and menopause

  • Support during major life transitions such as divorce, widowhood, career change, fertility, illness

  • Supporting health concerns such as persistent pain and autoimmune disease

  • Hormone support and weight management

  • Manifesting a dream life, building a vision, setting goals

  • Strength and exercise programs

  • Yoga, meditation and breath work for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing

  • Stress management and nervous system regulation

  • Establishing healthy lifestyle habits



Paula Hindle
Women’s Health & Wellness Coach, Holistic Physiotherapist, Exercise Physiologist, and Yoga Teacher

Paula’s career passion and purpose is working with women to guide and connect them with their innate wisdom and to follow their hearts toward a life that is joyful and free.

She has a Bachelor of Exercise Science, a Master of Physiotherapy and is an integrative health coach and yoga teacher.


  • Health & Wellness Coaching - Single Session
    $260.00 – 1 Hour

  • 12-Week Health & Wellness Program with 6 x Fortnightly Sessions $1350.00 - 1 Hour per session

*Private health funds rebates may be available for sessions with Paula under physiotherapy extras cover.

*Please note prices are reviewed annually and are subject to change.

You deserve the best.
Never feel unworthy 
or not justified in having the best.

I tell you, this is your heritage;
but, you have to accept it.
You have to expect it;
you have to claim it.
In doing so is not demanding too much.

~ Guru Deva, Swami Brahmananda Saraswati ~