Somatic & Creative Arts Therapy


Our Integrative Somatic Trauma and Creative Arts Practitioner, Claire Stephensen, helps women, those assigned female at birth and non-binary people to understand and express the language of their bodies.

Claire works predominately through combining her clinical background in Neurobiology and Neuropsychotherapy with her passion for somatics and embodiment.



Why Somatics and Creativity?

We know that trauma and overwhelming feelings limit blood flow to the prefrontal cortex – the place where words and logic live. The blood flow is too busy being sent to the survival parts of our brain and body.

Talking therapies are wonderful – yet when we bring body-based and creative approaches into therapy – we are meeting the parts of our body and brain that are already online – and creating new maps for us to return back to homeostasis and therefore access our words and logic again.

In sessions with Claire, music and creativity are always used from a somatic approach - whereby, we are bringing awareness to thoughts, feelings, sensory experience, physiological responses and how we relate to the world around us. 


What if I’m not creative and/or am completely disconnected from my body?

Creativity in the dominant culture has a particular look about it. Polished. Perfect. So quite frankly, it doesn’t feel safe in many of our bodies (even those who consider themselves creative)!

Creative and somatic processes are introduced in a way that centres safety first. We will often begin with subtle creative and somatic practices that allow us to dip our toes in, provide structure as we experiment with focusing on the process over the outcome. This, in itself supports gentle rewiring of the stories that are stored in our DNA — and allows us to restore/re-story old patterns.

Different modalities can be used throughout: subtle somatics, movement, pastel drawing, paints, clay, music listening, movement to music, play, characters and roles, drumming and voice exploration. We work with what feels ok to start with and then play with what sparks the most interest. People often arrive feeling unsure and leave feeling a sense of liberation.

How does a session look?

A session has a predictable structure that allows for flexibility as required.

  1. A check-in

  2. An embodied/somatic process to anchor into the safety that is available

  3. Embodied goal setting

  4. A somatic/embodied/creative process to meet the desired outcome

  5. Wrap-up that includes at least one simple, practical take home

All sessions include module-type learning and unlearning around the cultures of care; alongside grounded and practical in-the-moment tools.

Who might benefit?

Those who experience:

·      Trauma, stress, or repressed emotions in their physical symptoms

·      Chronic and persistent pain – and need practical tools to support this

·      Feeling trapped in a culture of shame, oppression, and disconnection

·      Disconnection from themselves or their body

·      Challenges with body image

Claire also enjoys working with those who have had formal psychiatric diagnoses – however, diagnoses are not required for sessions. 

Is there any type of rebate or funding?

Currently, there are no Medicare or private health rebates available for appointments with Claire. However, Claire does work with those who are self-managed or plan-managed NDIS participants.


Claire Stephensen
Integrative Somatic Trauma and Creative Arts Practitioner at Vera

In-person & telehealth consultations available.

Pricing & Service Menu*


  • $260 - Somatic Creative Therapy Session (90 Minutes)

    90-minute sessions are required for initial sessions with new clients - and for those ready to deepen into the therapeutic process.

  • $200 - Somatic Creative Therapy Session (60 Minutes)

    For ongoing sessions.

  • $70 - Phone Call with Claire (20 Minutes)

    Brief phone-based sessions to support skills practice, co-regulation following intensity. Can be supportive for everyday in the moment regulation.

  • $70 - Text or Voice Message Support with Claire (20 Minutes)

    20 minutes of text/voice messaging to support in the moment expression and guided supports back to your centre.

  • $60 - 90-Minute Group with Claire

    Attendance at a small-medium sized group focused on somatic, movement or creative based modalities.

  • Call Back with Claire within 24 Hours - See Package Support**

    Post crisis co-regulation support.

    **Please note these sessions are only available for those paying for monthly packages that include this service.


Replenish - $700

For those who want to go all in and really replenish their nervous systems into greater nourishment and aliveness. Twice weekly touch points.

  • 2 x 90-minute SCT sessions

  • 6 x 20-minute phone call, message support or group attendance*


  • 2 x 90-minute SCT sessions

  • 3 x 20-minute phone call, message support, or group attendance*


    1 x 24-hour call back

Nourish - $500

For those who are ready for more support to deeply nourish their nervous system to greater flexibility.

1 x 90-minute SCT session

6 x 20-minute phone call, message support or group attendance*


1 x 90min SCT sessions

3 x 20-minute phone call, message support, or group attendance*


1 x 24-hour call back

Restore - $380

For those who want to restore their nervous system function through weekly touch points of co-regulation.

  • 1 x 90-minute SCT session

  • 3 x 20-minute phone call, message support or group attendance*.


  • 1 x 90-minute SCT session


  • 1 x 24-hour call back

Nurture - $300

For those who would like fortnightly touch points of co-regulation.

  • 1 x 90-minute SCT session

  • 1 x 20-minute phone call, message support or group attendance*.

Tend - $150

For those who would like regular touch points without direct 1:1 therapy sessions.

  •  3 x 20-minute phone call, message support or group attendance*.

*20-minute phone calls and message support will depend on availability per month.


NDIS Pricing

Initial Session

  • $260 - please allow 90 minutes

Follow-Up Session

  • $193 - please allow 60 minutes

*Please note prices are subject to change.

To be in Claire’s medicinal spaces means to be valued, acknowledged, and deeply heard.

She creatively weaves together sessions that incorporate whole-body listening, psychosomatic education, creative evidence-based practices and storytelling — demonstrating the kind of authentic, vulnerable and embodied leadership that de-stigmatises our most human expressions.