
Uncovering the Magic of the Menstrual Cycle
gynaecology Vera Wellness gynaecology Vera Wellness

Uncovering the Magic of the Menstrual Cycle

The menstrual cycle may seem like a basic concept, but in my work with women I am constantly drawing diagrams and explaining what is actually going on throughout a women’s menstrual cycle. Most women’s understanding is limited to ovulation and the dreaded period, perhaps with an idea of being ‘hormonal’ thrown somewhere in the mix.

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gynaecology Vera Wellness gynaecology Vera Wellness

The Effect of Diet & Lifestyle on Your Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a complex and challenging condition with still many unknowns when it comes to cause and the best treatments. Dealing with the symptoms can be frustrating and distressing and deciding on treatment can be confusing and overwhelming for many women. Just as each woman is different, each approach to endometriosis is different depending on symptoms, preferences, and each woman’s individual story.

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This is Why
Vera Wellness Vera Wellness

This is Why

I caught up with a beautiful old friend recently who asked me about my why when it comes to this blog. She wondered if it was part of a master plan or whether it was for marketing purposes. Answer on both counts: A resounding, ‘No’!

Her question did make me reflect on my why though and made me want to put into words the reasons for throwing my voice into the deep dark void of the inter-webs.

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Sneaking in Stillness (Practical Tips for the Modern Woman)
Vera Wellness Vera Wellness

Sneaking in Stillness (Practical Tips for the Modern Woman)

I wrote recently about the need to balance the busyness of our modern lives with finding space and switching off. I think it resonated with many women but you also may have been wondering how??

With all the responsibilities of work, caring for others, running a house, and the other million other things on the to-do list, how am I supposed to fit in any time to disconnect and be. How am I supposed to pay some attention to being without doing?

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Vera Wellness Vera Wellness


I have the privilege of hearing the stories of women’s lives, struggles and wins every day. Today, on International Women’s Day I wanted to share the overwhelming themes and the stories that I hear again and again. It’s all about balance – coincidentally the theme of this year's celebration.

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A Guide to IUDs
gynaecology Vera Wellness gynaecology Vera Wellness

A Guide to IUDs

The important thing when considering an IUD is to be informed, and work with a practitioner who will work with you if you are experiencing any problems.

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Pre-Menstrual Syndrome & Pre-Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder
gynaecology Vera Wellness gynaecology Vera Wellness

Pre-Menstrual Syndrome & Pre-Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder

Symptoms of PMS and PMDD can be debilitating for some women. Around 40% of women experience symptoms of PMS and around 5-8% suffer with severe symptoms.

They are made worse at times due to the lack of understanding in the general community regarding these disorders and the tendency for people around you to perhaps shrug it off as a ‘women’s issue’ or that you are just ‘being hormonal’.

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Period Pain & Young Women
Vera Wellness Vera Wellness

Period Pain & Young Women

What to do when period pain is getting in the way of living your best life. As an adolescent gynaecologist, I see many young women with painful periods that are interfering with their ability to go to school, play sport, hang out with friends and family and generally can make them feel pretty miserable. By the time I see them, often it has been going on for a long time and the longer it goes on, the worse it tends to get.

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Embracing Menopause
gynaecology Vera Wellness gynaecology Vera Wellness

Embracing Menopause

The lead up to and the period of menopause in our youth obsessed western culture is most often a time that many women fear.  It is imbued with so many negative connotations – of ‘being old’, ‘dried up’, and no longer vibrant.  In contrast the menopause in many other cultures around the world represents a time of great freedom, wisdom and respect within the community.  The way we view menopause in our society is sadly outdated, awash with misinformation and in dire need of a sexy new makeover!

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