Episode 27: Heal Your Sacred Pelvis Meditation with Paula Hindle

This week’s episode of Women of the Well is a little different. 

Due to the recent cyclone and flooding at our clinic, we couldn't record our usual episode.

Instead, we have something truly special for you – a deeply nourishing Heal Your Sacred Pelvis meditation guided by expert pelvic floor physiotherapist Paula Hindle.

This meditation was created for our 9-week Heal Your Pelvic Pain program, which is currently underway. It’s a powerful and insightful practice designed to help you reconnect with your pelvic space. However, it can also be confronting – especially if you’ve experienced pain, trauma, or disconnection in this area. 

Please know that you are in control throughout the practice. If you need to pause, return to your breath, or step away, honour that.

What to expect in this guided meditation:

✨ A gentle yet profound practice to reconnect with your pelvic space
✨ Breathwork and visualisation to help release stored tension, trauma, or emotions
✨ A safe space to observe and honour your body’s wisdom
✨ A reclamation of your sacred feminine energy

This meditation invites you to explore your relationship with your pelvic space – acknowledging past experiences, releasing what no longer serves you, and cultivating healing, pleasure, and empowerment.

Find a quiet, comfortable space, and allow yourself to fully receive this practice.

We’ll be back with our usual episodes as soon as possible.

Until then, we hope this meditation offers you the restoration and insight you need.

Additional resources:

💻 Find out more about our online course Heal Your Pelvic Pain, and register your interest for the next intake.

We would love to hear from you. 

If you have any questions about you’d like us to answer on a future episode of the podcast, please email them to hello@verawellness.com.au or contact us on Instagram @verawellness.com.au.

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Episode transcript:

E27: Heal Your Sacred Pelvis Meditation with Paula Hindle

Peta: [00:00:00] Hi, this is Dr. Peta Wright and welcome to a special episode of Women of the Well. Unfortunately, due to last week's cyclone and a flooding we had in our clinic, we were unable to record our usual podcast episode. Fortunately, we have a real treat for you this week. We have a meditation to heal your sacred pelvis, which is an audio guided meditation by Paula Hindle, one of our exceptional pelvic floor physiotherapists.

I was really fortunate to experience this last week during our Heal Your Pelvic Pain Week 3 of our course. And even I had some really profound insights and experiences doing this meditation. I think you'll really enjoy it. It can be quite challenging to pay attention and go inwards into a part of our body that for many of us We have blocked out or disconnected from because we've had some pain, trauma, or stories that live there.

So if you find this meditation challenging, please know that you can stop at any moment, that you can come back to the breath, come back to things that you find safe, people that you find safe, and know that you can stop at any time and that you're in control. So find yourself somewhere comfy. Settle in and enjoy this beautiful grounding meditation.

We'll be back with you next week. I hope everyone was safe this week. 

Paula: Welcome to your healing meditation for your sacred pelvis. Start by setting up in a comfortable position in your sacred space. You might like to light a candle or incense, sit in a comfortable chair, or lie on your back in a shavasana position. [00:02:00] Use any pillows, bolsters, blankets, or anything you need to be completely comfortable.

Let's start by creating a ritual, sensing or feeling a golden light surrounding your whole body. This golden light signals to your brain that you are completely safe. You are loved.

Place your right hand on your belly and your left hand on your heart.

Take a moment to set an intention for our practice together. It might be I'm making time and space to heal and clear my sacred pelvis of anything that no longer serves me. Maybe it's I'm taking time to reconnect and revere my sacred pelvis. I'm taking time to honor my sacred pelvis and listen to her message.

Create your own intention.

And now sense and feel the connection your body is making to the earth. Sense that you are being held.

Let's take three deep breaths. Down into the belly. Inhale and expand your belly. Exhale audibly with the sound out. Ahhhh. Slow, deep [00:04:00] breath in. Open your beautiful belly.

Ahhhh. Sigh the breath out. One more deep breath in. As you exhale, feel your body grounding down, fully supported by Mother Earth underneath your body.

Breathe deeply into your beautiful belly. Allow your belly to soften so it can open and receive the breath. Inhale, feel the belly open and expand. Exhale, feel your belly soften and fall. Inhale, allow your belly to open. Exhale, allow your belly to soften and fall. As you inhale and your belly opens, sense and feel your pelvic floor muscles expanding at the base of your pelvis.

Exhale, feel the pelvic floor and the belly soften. Bring both hands to your belly and connect to the warmth of your hands on your belly. Feel that your hands are rising on the flow of your breath and falling as the breath comes out. Be completely effortless and rest in the knowledge that you are safe, you are protected, you are loved.[00:06:00] 

At any time, you can come back to feeling the connection that your body is making on the earth. And you can stop at any time.

We're going to take a journey inside the Sacred Pelvis. Bring awareness to the center of your pelvis and allow yourself to sense and feel into this space.

Picture the inside of your pelvis as though it's a room you're entering for the first time. As you approach your pelvis and open the door. What does the door to your pelvis look like?

Open the door and take a look inside. Is it light or dark? Is it bright or dull? Warm or cold? Is it a dark cave or an open breezy space? What emotions are there? Is it friendly? Sad? Angry? Does it feel numb? Walk around the space? What textures do you feel? Is it rough? Smooth? Sharp or squishy? Are there pockets of tension or pain?

Are there pockets of light?

Bring awareness to your nostrils. What smells can you sense? Does [00:08:00] it smell fragrant or odorous?

If you were to give your beautiful, sacred pelvis a microphone, what stories would it tell?

Listen to her stories with love and compassion.

As you're listening to her speak, drop deeper, sit in the middle of this space. Do you see any memories? Any ex partners? Medical procedures? Operations, childbirth. As you witness this space and listen to stories, sense that you are being held by the earth underneath your body. You are safe. This is your sacred space.

You are in charge. Notice any emotions, any shame or blame. Witness any emotions without judgment, just awareness, remembering you're not your thoughts, you're not your emotions, you're just the observer of everything in this space. Observe with loving kindness, compassion and curiosity.

Remember that you're safe to explore and that I'm here with you, right here by your side. [00:10:00] This is your sacred space, no matter what you've experienced or what you've been conditioned to believe, this is your space. Take a deep breath in, exhale,

deep breath in, exhale,

take a deep breath in,

listen to any wisdom that is revealed. You don't need to attach any meaning, create stories, or try to change anything. Just listen and observe.

You might like to bring to awareness anyone or anything you'd like to forgive. Is there anyone that has abused this sacred space? Anyone that didn't have permission? Anyone you've allowed into this sacred space without a full body, yes,

maybe you want to forgive any unwanted energy that you've absorbed unconsciously, unwanted beliefs that may have come from conditioning, religion, parents, societal beliefs, friends beliefs, anything that comes up, recognize that they're just stories. Just memories. There's nothing going on in this moment.

And we can release anything that no longer serves us. We can forgive and let go. [00:12:00] The power lies within us to forgive. And reclaim our sacred space. This sacred, powerful space that is ours. Forgive anyone or anything so you can take that power back. You can bring vibrancy and aliveness to this sacred space.

Maybe it's forgiving yourself for not honoring your sacred space. Maybe there were times you said yes, when you meant no. Yes, when your body was saying no. Yes to surgeries, to medications, procedures, sex, for words that were said. for thoughts, for beliefs, for ex partners, for anyone, anything. Forgive it all so you can clear and release.

Take a deep breath in, sigh it out, make any sounds your body wants to release. Take a deep breath in, sigh it out, take a deep breath in, release it all, sigh it out,

And now it's time to reclaim your sacred space. How would you like your sacred pelvis, your sacred space to appear? How would you love it to look, to feel, to smell? Would you like it to be a beautiful garden, a crystal cave, a breezy beach, a warm cottage? [00:14:00] Bring your left hand back to your heart, right hand on your belly.

How would you like your sacred space to feel?

Start to witness her transform. She's listening. She's alive. She's powerful. She's our creative source, our source of pleasure. Give her a color. What color feels powerful and creative to you? It might be a golden light. Deep purple, a light pink,

feel that she's clear. Bright. Smooth. Take up space in your beautiful pelvis. Breathe in and fill your pelvis with healing energy and nurturance. Exhale any unwanted beliefs. Experiences, let it all go. Breathe in and sense every cell of this space, nourished and cleansed with healing energy. Exhale any numbness, pain, negative thoughts, disease.

Let it all go.

Create a ritual space in this sacred pelvis. What can you do in here to bring aliveness? Do you want to dance and sing? Do you want to offer any massage or touch to relieve any tension or pain? Do you want to light a candle? Burn some [00:16:00] sage to clear any stale energy? Offer your sacred pelvis loving words, kindness, appreciation, as you continue to breathe in healing energy and breathe out what no longer serves you, sense that you are reclaiming this powerful space, this space that creates life, creates pleasure.

Allow this to be a reclamation of your true self. Feel empowered and inspired by your sacred feminine space. She's alive.

As you continue to breathe deeply into your pelvis, feel your whole body becoming alive, enlivened, every cell, color, lightness, brightness is being turned up. Inhale. Make this space brighter. Make that brightness expand beyond the boundaries of your skin. Sense and feel into this divine feminine energy that's always been there.

Feel your whole body vibrant, every cell alive and pulsing with life. Sense and feel into this vibration, this abundance, this high frequency energy.

This feeling is always here. You created it and you can come back to it anytime. Connecting to this sacred space, communicating with her. Come back here regularly. [00:18:00] Feel grounded by this sacred space. Allow your radiance, your life force energy to shine and beam from your being.

Repeat this to yourself. I hold the power. I love and revere myself unconditionally. I respect myself. Notice how you feel. Allow this energy to touch every part of your life. This vibrant life force, feminine energy shining from the inside out. Let's take three more deep breaths deep into your belly in this sacred pelvis.

Fill your whole being. Sigh the breath out an audible, ah. Deep full breath into your sacred pelvis. Ah. One last time. Deep full breath. Ah.

You hold the power. Come back to your sacred space. Anytime. When you feel ready, open your eyes and take this divine Powerful, sacred energy with you throughout the rest of your day. [00:20:00]




This podcast is for information and educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.


Episode 26: Conscious conception and creating space for new life