Calm and rewire your pelvic pain

Join us to reclaim your body and power

Healing Pelvic Pain Workshop

If you are experiencing severe period pain or persistent pelvic pain…

You might feel like you’re constantly battling an invisible enemy, struggling to find relief, and missing out on the life you deserve.

Let us empower you with effective, holistic approaches to healing pelvic pain that can help you reclaim your body and feel truly vibrant again.

This is your invitation to our latest full-day workshop:

Healing Pelvic Pain

Next date TBC

This intimate, full-day immersive event has been curated to create an embodied and shared experience - which is where the magic happens.

This isn’t your average medical education day, this day is about experiential learning.

  • You’ll learn more about your body and experience powerful practices to help you transform your relationship with pain.

  • You’ll spend time with expert pelvic floor physiotherapists, renowned yoga and mediation teachers, and have a one-on-one consultation with a Vera gynaecologist to create a personalised plan and pathway out of pain.

  • You’ll will be equipped with specific tools to map your pain, and calm and rewire your nervous system.

We created this day to give you the things we know make a difference - more spaciousness and a chance to be truly heard and witnessed.

We want to provide you with community, embodied wisdom, and practices that integrate body, mind and spirit to get to the heart of your healing journey.

Our aim is that you leave Vera feeling equipped with the tools and a plan for your pain treatment that feels right for you, so you can take charge of your healing and live life on your own terms.

Here’s how your day will unfold


  • We’ll start the day with a women’s circle to share your story and begin the day's journey of deep connection.

  • We’ll guide you through key gynaecology education including menstrual physiology, and debunking some myths about endometriosis.

  • We’ll also cover the importance of an integrated approach to pelvic pain, how to view your cycle as a spiritual practice, nervous system regulation, and how to understand pain as a portal.

  • You’ll receive pelvic floor and pain flare management tools and guidance from our physiotherapists.

  • Then we’ll move through a powerful pain reprocessing practice with a focus on the importance of surrender rather than protection for pain.

  • You’ll understand how to use tools like meditation, mindfulness and somatic therapy for pain, and together do some gentle yoga to regulate your nervous system.


  • This is when you’ll have your individual consultation with one of our Vera gynaecologists to ensure your personal circumstances are heard and addressed.

  • You will experience a group sound therapy session, followed by time for reflection and a creative practice — you will have the space to rest, validate, release and transform your pain story.

This workshop has been designed to give you a profoundly transformational experience that will change your view and help you on the path to living the life you desire.

*Speakers and content are subject to change.


Sam Lindsay-German
Spiritual Coach &
Yoga Instructor

Brooke Dobó, Paula Hindle & Chrissi Lathouras
Vera Pelvic Pain Physiotherapists

Dr Georgia Heathcote, Dr Thea Bowler & Dr Peta Wright
Vera Gynaecologists

Imagine what it would be like if you could experience the power of embodiment and a regulated nervous system and know in your bones healing is possible…

That is what we aim to achieve with the Healing Pelvic Pain Workshop.

To make sure you’re supported every step of the way, all our attendees will also receive:

  • A practical plan decided in your one-on-one consultation.

  • A 3-month subscription to the Ella App which includes a Pain Flare Toolkit, CBT techniques, Meditations, Mindfulness & Breathwork, Movement & Stretch Session. (valued at $199.00)

  • A copy of Dr Peta Wright’s book Healing Pelvic Pain. (RRP $36.99)

This full-day event has been created to bring the learnings and practices inside Dr Peta Wright’s book Healing Pelvic Pain to life.

Thoroughly researched, compassionately argued and highly accessible, Healing Pelvic Pain aims to empower women to ask the right questions, get the right treatment, and make lifestyle changes that bring about release from pain.

“This book has given me new ideas and hope that I can manage my pelvic pain. The information about trauma is new to me, and I’m so hopeful this will be helpful. I’ve seen Peta as a patient and this book is caring, informative and backed with experience”.
— Jess

Included in the Healing Pelvic Pain Workshop

  • Six expert speakers providing you an entire day of their incredible knowledge and time.

  • A private consultation with a gynaecologist to ensure your personal circumstances are heard and addressed (Dr Peta Wright, Dr Thea Bowler or Dr Georgia Heathcote).

  • A copy of Healing Pelvic Pain book by Dr Peta Wright (RRP $36.99).

  • A 3-month subscription to the Ella App for pain management (RRP $199.00).

  • A comprehensive work booklet to help you process and integrate the activities and insights of the day.

  • Post event access to video’s of the sessions for when you need to check back in on a practice or information learned.

  • A wholesome and delicious morning tea, lunch & afternoon tea catered to your dietary needs.

This is an unique experience that will feel like having multiple consultations in one single day.

Price and Payment Plan

$599.00* (pay in full)

[Total value $1200.00]


$149.75* x 4 fortnightly payments

* You may be eligible for a Medicare rebate of up to $84.15 for new patients and $42.30 for current patients if a GP referral is provided and you have a current Medicare card.


  • We created this day to give you the things we know make a difference - more spaciousness, a chance to be really heard, love, community, embodied wisdom and the integration of body, mind, & spirit practices that truly get to the heart of the healing journey.

     The Healing Pelvic Pain Workshop will be a profoundly transformational experience that will change your view of what pain means in your life and help you on the path to living the life you desire. 

  • The Healing Pelvic Pain Workshop is so much more than a medical consult. The day covers all the top-down and bottom-up healing practices discussed in an initial one-on-one consultation with our gynaecologists to help guide you out of pain.

     Key differences between a consultation and this workshop are:

    • This is a fully immersive day where you receive education as well as more space, time and support to actually experience powerful practices that start you on the path to integration and transforming your relationship with your body and with pain. 

    • You will spend time with expert pelvic floor physiotherapists, renowned yoga and meditation teachers whilst still having one-on-one time with a Vera gynaecologist so that you leave with a practical plan and pathway out of pain.

  • If you have already booked an initial consultation to see one of our gynaecologists, you do not need to cancel this appointment at this stage. Healing Pelvic Pain will cover much of the education our gynaecologists provide in an initial consult and so much more! At the end of the day, you will have a practical plan and our team will assist with the management of your pre-booked appointment.

  • The Vera pain team will spend the whole day with you combining cutting-edge pain, endometriosis and nervous system education with embodiment practices that will allow you to start to feel safe in your body. You will be supported by experts, healers and your peers and held in the potent healing natural space of Vera Wellness.  

    You will leave this deeply healing day having a knowledge of your body, mind and spirit that you didn't have before and because you will have experienced the power of embodiment, a regulated nervous system and the support of sisterhood you will know in your bones that healing is possible.

  • Support and healing does not end when you leave Healing Pelvic Pain. Every attendee will leave with a practical plan decided in your one-on-one consultation with Dr Peta Dr Thea, or Dr Georgia, a 3mth subscription to the Ella App, your own copy of Dr Peta’s book and ongoing care over the next two months with online support of the Vera Wellness community. You may also have further consultations.

    You will also experience the power of embodiment, a regulated nervous system and feel support and know in your bones that healing is possible.

  • Note: You will require a GP referral to attend this day (this is to receive a Medicare rebate, if you have a current card).

    To get as much as possible out of your day there will be some prerequisite actions. This will help us to have a full picture of your journey up until this point.


    • You will be sent a request form to book in for a sensitive endometriosis ultrasound prior to the workshop.

    Intake Form & Prior Reading

    • You will complete a comprehensive intake form that we send all new patients. Please complete this at least 2 days prior to the workshop.

    • In early August, we will send you some pre-reading and a pre-workshop journaling practice that will help you join the dots in your story.

    Most importantly, join us with an open heart and mind, and know that it is safe to be vulnerable and we are here to support you.

  • If you have a pre-booked consultation in place already, we will do our very best to make sure that your appointment is with the Vera gynaecologist you booked in with.

    Due to scheduling limitations on the day, we unfortunately cannot guarantee choice of practitioner.

  • A Medicare rebate of up to $84.15 may be available if you have a GP referral to a Vera gynaecologist and a current Medicare card. The rebate will be processed the day after the service has been provided.

    If you have already had an initial consultation at Vera with one of our gynaecologists, you will still be eligible for a rebate of $42.30 for a review consultation.

  • All attendees will receive a three-month subscription to the Ella App, included in their registration (valued at $199.00 AUD). The Ella App is a 6 week evidence-based educational programme for anyone with female pelvic organ anatomy who has experienced persistent pelvic pain for three months or more. It utilises cognitive-behavioural therapy techniques, pain science education, guided breathwork, movement and mindfulness sessions to teach you how to address pain system hypersensitivity and nervous system dysregulation. You can also save your favourite sessions to your Pain Flare Toolkit for when you need it most. 

    • An initial consultation at Vera with one of our gynaecologists costs $495 - $520 (Fee increase 1/7/24) for up to 90 minutes.

    • Healing Pelvic Pain is a whole immersive day with our pain team which includes education, a treatment plan, embodiment practices and take-home resources for $599.00.

    • We understand the financial pressures in the current climate, and as with most of our events we are offering a convenient payment plan to help people with the costs of health care. You can pay in four automatic installments of $149.75, paid fortnightly. We understand the payments will be made after the event and are happy if this means someone who needs and wants to attend can come.

About Us.

Vera Wellness envisions a world where you can achieve your best health. We aim to heal, to restore and to empower.

We value every person’s uniqueness.

We give you the time and space to tell your story.

We respect your health decisions and commit to providing you with the clinical insight, information, education and options to enable the best decision-making.


Vera specialises in healing the whole person, not just their condition. Women don’t need fixing! But they do need to live their best lives, pain-free, in their natural rhythm, happy and healthy.


Vera practitioners hold space for you — heart-space. They listen, spend more time, take a root-cause approach, understand the impacts of poor health on you and your world. Our therapeutic community has an integrated, holistic wellness approach, using multiple treatment modalities. Vera practitioners are insatiable in their quest to constantly expand their knowledge to help women alleviate the health problems that cause them disease.


Coming to Vera is a haven for our patients: they can relax in our retreat-style environment, take time for themselves, start or continue their journey to their best health.

Through our events, podcasts, Instagram, workshops, seminars and blogs, Vera is a portal to a global women’s health movement that restores the feminine in healthcare.

Join us for a powerful and immersive full-day event to calm and rewire your pelvic pain.

Vera Research.

Our team would like to use Healing Pelvic Pain as part of Vera research to measure the impact an education day has for women living with persistent pelvic pain. Participation is optional and attendees will be asked to give consent for their de-identified data to be used.

Photography & Filming of Event.

Please be aware that this event may be photographed and/or filmed. By purchasing a ticket and attending this event, you are giving your consent to be filmed and photographed during this event.

Refund Policy.

We appreciate your interest in participating in our events and workshops. Our goal is to provide a valuable and enriching experience for all participants. However, we understand that circumstances may arise that prevent you from attending the event.

Please click here to read our refund policy outlining the terms and conditions for refund requests.