Lauren Williams

Lauren Williams
Endorsed Midwife, Registered Nurse, Infant Massage Educator
BNurs GradDipMid MMid (Research)
“How we treat the child, the child will treat the world.” ~ Pam Leo
Lauren joined the Vera team bringing with her extensive experience of supporting women and families as they journey to, and through one of life’s most transformative transitions.
Lauren practices with a whole family approach, preparing parents not only for the pregnancy and birth, but the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual shifts that comes with parenthood, a new baby, and the new version of the family unit. She is passionate about providing families with the tools to develop healthy bonds and secure attachments as these early experiences are the foundations to shape the growth and development of the infant’s brain, body and emotions and to thrive.
Lauren is a strong healthcare services professional holding a Bachelor of Nursing, Graduate Diploma of Midwifery and Research Master’s degree focused in Early Labour Care. Further postgraduate studies include Graduate Certificate of Prescribing for Midwives, First 1000 Days & Infant Massage Instructor Course.
Lauren has a great respect for the culture and positive promotion of birth, and motherhood and feels privileged to work in partnership with women and their choice of care provider. Strongly committed to her profession and collaborative models of care, Lauren has held a number of clinical and leadership roles within both the hospital and private settings, and has contributed to redesigning maternity care options to better meet the needs and preferences of women, families and health care providers within a changing maternity care landscape.
As a mother of two boys, with two completely different birth experiences, she has a particular passion for promoting confidence in women to be involved in their care before, during and after birth.
She believes all women deserve to have a midwife as part of their care team and enjoys building respectful working relationships with her peers and other medical professionals.
She is well-networked, connecting women with community and social support services to promote overall well-being, and is excited to practice with a dynamic multidisciplinary team at Vera.

As an endorsed midwife, Lauren is qualified to order and prescribe all of your routine bloods and scans, and appointments with Lauren attract Medicare rebates. Lauren will help you navigate your individualised maternity care options and can offer shared care with your GP or a collaborating obstetrician, or simply additional care alongside your primary carer.
In her spare time, Lauren is a self-professed ocean addict, loves stand-up paddle boarding, and boating. When not on the water, Lauren is out in nature, a local to the Samford area she is loving her acreage life and living more purposefully.